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Oct 10 2007 4:55PM
Protest - online or in court

Busy day yesterday, launching our new Unsubscribe campaign first in Birmingham , where the bulk of the campaign billboards are posted, and then at a blogger event, Changing the way we change the world at our Human Rights Action Centre...

Oct 10 2007 10:41AM
Tasers - Chief Constable does about turn

Despite his commitment - only days ago - not to proceed with deployment of Tasers until human rights and equality concerns were met, Chief Constable Sir Hugh Orde has now done an about-turn and aims to pilot the devices regardless. The...

Oct 9 2007 2:51PM
Click here to Unsubscribe

Watching the number of people joining our new online campaign edge ever closer to 10,000 just ahead of the official launch in Birmingham this morning took me back to the days when similar excitement could be had by tuning in to Blue...

Oct 8 2007 2:35PM
Iraqi refugees get lost in media circus

So this afternoon, up stepped the PM to face the snarling media pack all desperate for blood. And their fascination? The Election That Never Was (ETNW). Sometimes you wish the media would get a grip. The ETNW dominated while the story...

Oct 8 2007 2:29PM
Harmonious Society?

How does the Communist Party justify its power? The Communist Party propaganda slogan is Harmonious Society. How does the CCP set up its harmonious society? Political and civil rights are brutally suppressed by the CCP power. Li Heping...