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Oct 1 2007 3:08PM
Actions speak louder than words

I’m contentedly biting into a delightful Belgian praline as I write this as I’ve just returned from the lovely town of Ghent in Belgium where I attended a conference for Amnesty press staff across the EU. Nothing works quite like...

Oct 1 2007 12:42PM
Burma and China

China’s totalitarian regime has supported Myanmar’s militaryauthoritarian regime for 40 years. Current peaceful and braveprotesters, standing on their dignity, reminds us of Burma prodemocracy movement in 1988 and later, and its...

Sep 30 2007 10:39PM
The world watches Burma

The government in Burma has come down ruthlessly against the peaceful protests by Buddhist monks and others. Burma is very much in the headlines and the world is watching to see if the so-called State Peace and Development Council can...

Sep 28 2007 3:37PM
The eyes of the world

As though the situation in Burma wasnt miserable enough with several other deaths and much bloodshed - we can now add another name to the very long list of journalists killed in the course of opening the eyes of you, me and everyone...

Sep 27 2007 12:36PM
The rules of the game haven't changed after all

Were expecting over 200 people at our demo outside the Burmese embassy in London today. Its at 12.00 noon at 19a Charles Street, Mayfair, London W1. There are other demos from Amnesty sections all over the world today. Our messages are...