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During Beijing Olympics bid, China promised to improve human rights. But they broke their promises, and have carried on committing more human rights abuses. The following cases are only the tip of the iceberg of human rights abuses. Yu...
There's very lively comment around on the idea of a national DNA database for Britain . Its one of those divisive issues that, on closer inspection, is much less clear-cut than it looks. On the one side libertarians and civil liberties...
Now that British troops have pulled out of Basra and the post-withdrawal analysis still rumbles on in the media Spiked has a really interesting piece dismissing the whole thing as a PR stunt - put yourself in the shoes of one of the...
So - our daily slog-to the-office here at the London Amnesty HQ is getting back to normal after the Tube strikes been called off (though, hey, when is commuting in London ever normal?).But imagine your daily commute if the military in...
Years go by and you hardly hear anything about it - and then it starts getting in the news every day. Thats how it is with Burma right now. At the weekend we had President Bushs significant other - Laura Bush - saying that the United...