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Aug 23 2007 3:35PM
Kids with guns

Over the past 18 months, theres been a frightening wave of gun attacks which have resulted in many teenagers and now a pre-teen being shot and either wounded or killed. From where Im standing gun crime is far from going down, in fact...

Aug 22 2007 2:09PM
Dying for a Human Rights Act

In Burma there is severe repression of all opposition to the military government. Hundreds of people are in prison for their political views, in conditions that are very harsh. Just yesterday the government put down a small protest...

Aug 21 2007 4:57PM
We can make it if we try

All trials are important to someone, but some of are of much greater political and symbolic importance getting human rights abusers on trial is a massive step towards ending the impunity with which most abuses are committed. Weve been...

Aug 20 2007 2:37PM
Its not the winning that counts

Im particularly upset about it because it kind of works as an endorsement of big money, no matter where its from , being able to buy anything, even a precious football victory, and then maybe endure less enquiries about its legitimacy...

Aug 17 2007 2:30PM
The company you keep

He never got a clear answer but the encounter was a telling one nevertheless.< The company, Trafigura finds itself being sued on behalf of more than 7,000 Ivorians who allegedly became sick when a company commissioned by Trafigura...