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Aug 1 2007 2:27PM
If you do the crime...

For more than four years people in that region have suffered some of the worst crimes known to man . Thousands have died, millions have fled their homes and countless others have been butchered, raped or tortured. Gordon Brown has...

Jul 31 2007 3:20PM
Sealing the Special Relationship

Desperate to try and understand how the UK/US relationship has changed with our new PM, todays papers pour over yesterdays meeting at Camp David, amid much hilarity about the leaders spin in Golf Cart One. The Telegraph employs a body...

Jul 30 2007 6:13PM
Behind the Fringe

The debate couldn’t be more apt at a festival that’s all about freedom of expression, of course, which is what makes Edinburgh an important place for Amnesty to be. I’m getting excited about going up to Edinburgh for a couple of weeks...

Jul 27 2007 2:04PM
You can't arrest my Dad...

The conviction at the Old Bailey yesterday of a 70 year old woman and her son for the so-called ‘honour killing’ of her daughter-in-law is a horrific reminder that women are often most vulnerable to violence in their own homes and from...

Jul 26 2007 3:22PM
Wheels of Shame....

The annual inhuman feat of the Tour (Im hooked: highlights every night on ITV4 ...), has again been brought into disrepute with a series of revelations about athletes using performance-enhancing drugs, leading to two whole teams being...