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Mar 2 2017 10:15AM
Northern Ireland election 2017: implications for human rights

Northern Ireland goes to the polls today (Thursday) to elect new members of the Assembly at Stormont. If this feels like déjà vu to you, you’d be right. Voters elected a new Assembly less than ten months ago. But it collapsed in...

Mar 1 2017 3:37PM
Trump’s anticipated new Muslim ban is a gross miscalculation

Written by Naureen Shah, Director of National Security and Human Rights at Amnesty International USA. The Trump administration is doubling down on the Muslim ban. The rewrite, expected Wednesday, suggests the administration believes it...

Feb 28 2017 6:30PM
The human rights violators’ playbook: how to respond to an Amnesty International report

By Anna Neistat, Amnesty International’s Senior Director for Research When we released a report documenting the mass hanging of thousands of prisoners in Syria’s Saydnaya Prison, the Syrian government was put on the back foot...

Feb 28 2017 1:33PM
One year on from Berta Cáceres’ murder, justice is overdue

By Rajwinder Sahota, Amnesty UK Country Coordinator for El Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua This Friday marks the first anniversary of the murder of Honduran indigenous and environmental rights campaigner Berta Cáceres . Call for...

Feb 21 2017 5:08PM
Three years and counting for exercising his right to freedom of speech: Free Leopoldo Lopez

By Graham Minter, Amnesty's Country Coordinator for South America On an exceptionally warm and sunny February day, we gathered outside the Venezuelan Embassy to deliver a petition with 2400 signatures collected from Amnesty supporters...