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Aug 13 2015 10:55AM
Amnesty's top summer reads for children

Fancy spending your summer with a smelly dog? Or maybe you’d rather spend it exploring ancient city woodlands? Or maybe even embarking on a daring adventure to post-Civil War America? For whatever it is that piques your child’s...

Aug 12 2015 12:59PM
Raif Badawi, Saudi Arabia's political football

Football is, for some, an obsession. In the UK, it’s a sport that gets lots of people’s emotions going and in the office, now that the football season has begun, conversations about tactics and scorelines will start up once again too...

Aug 11 2015 10:59AM
Philip Hammond's scare-mongering remarks on Calais are ill-informed and dangerous

Philip Hammond's recent remarks on the situation at Calais are reckless and they are shameful, but sadly they're also all too familiar. Once again, a senior minister is cranking up the rhetoric and stoking up anxiety, careless - or...

Aug 10 2015 5:57PM
Prime Minister, we need to talk about people

David Cameron tells the UK : 'Our migrant communities are a fundamental part of who we are and Britain is a far richer and stronger society because of them.' Yes, Prime Minister! How right you are. I couldn’t agree more with you that...

Aug 10 2015 3:50PM
Eritrea: bring back Ibrahim's mother

Ibrahim was born in the 1980s in 'The Field' – the part of Eritrea that had been 'liberated' by those fighting for the independence of the country, from the murderous regime of Mengistu Hailemariam, dictator of Ethiopia. Many young...