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Jun 9 2015 12:24PM
After the fantastic #MarRef result in Ireland, it’s time for another referendum…

“You feel like a criminal. I am a law-abiding citizen and I felt like I was committing a crime, like I was smuggling drugs across the border.” Cerys, who travelled to England for an abortion after doctors in Ireland confirmed that her...

Jun 9 2015 10:09AM
Europride 2015. Changing history is hot!

This blog is by LGBTI Network member Ferran Nogueroles Later this month, 25 years after regaining independence from the Soviet Union, Latvia will be the first post-Soviet country to host EuroPride. It marks a decade since Riga hosted...

Jun 8 2015 2:35PM
Human Rights Act: You spoke out, they heard

In the run-up to the Queen’s speech, we were preparing for the announcement of scrapping the Human Rights Act – the juggernaut had been gaining momentum with stories in the press about the new British Bill of Rights. Lawyer Martin Howe...

Jun 6 2015 7:13PM
Remembrance and Resistance:the 26th Anniversary of the Tiananmen Massacre (Beijing Massacre 1989)

On Thursday the 4th of June, 7pm-9pm, around 110 people gathered outside the Chinese Embassy in London to commemorate victims of the Tiananmen Massacre in 1989. Commemorators read out the names of known victims of the massacre, and...

Jun 5 2015 3:27PM
Keep marchers safe at Kyiv Pride

Update, 9 June: Kyiv Pride went ahead on Saturday with around 250 people marching in the Ukrainian capital. Unfortunately events were marred by homophobic violence that left 10 marchers and 5 police officers injured, despite over 1500...