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Aug 6 2014 5:23PM
In Israel, as in Gaza, human rights are the last line of protection

My brother and I are experiencing the current Israel-Gaza conflict quite differently. He is 20, serving out his military service and has been fighting in Gaza. I, on the other hand, am the Executive Director of Amnesty International...

Aug 5 2014 2:17PM
Shell’s day of reckoning approaches

It is three years since the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) published the findings of a ground-breaking scientific study into the appalling impacts of oil pollution in the Ogoniland region of the Niger Delta. It found...

Aug 5 2014 2:07PM
Twitter suspends accounts used for Chinese propaganda

Twitter has suspended accounts used by the Chinese government to spread its propaganda about Tibet. This follows an investigation by Free Tibet working with the New York Times .

Aug 4 2014 12:31PM
A death penalty for journalism in Iran

Iran’s hardline judiciary is getting very good at silencing its critics. Over the last decade, but especially following the 2009 presidential election when the authorities tightened restrictions on free speech and access to information...

Aug 1 2014 12:33PM
Life in Gaza: terror at night and massacres in the day

Last Monday and Tuesday were the scariest days and nights since the current conflict began. The violence finally reached the area where I live. The area where I, my children and neighbours, had thought it was safe. After I finished my...