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Jun 26 2012 1:20PM
Pressure on political prisoners: Bahman Ahmadi Amouie transfered to solitary

Bahamn Ahmadi Amouie , journalist and husband to DJila Baniyaquob (journalist herself with a suspended sentence) has been transfered from the common ward at the Evin prison to solitary in the notorious Rajaie Shar prison. Bahman was...

Jun 24 2012 4:15AM
Arming the Armed Opposition in Syria - the realities and the risks

Apologists for the Syrian government’s crimes against humanity are experiencing a rare moment of vindication at the moment. Or so they are leading themselves to believe. The reason? Well articles about alleged Saudi/Qatari arming of...

Jun 21 2012 9:28AM
Ending human trafficking - a new tool for campaigners

Firstly, many thanks for reading this post. I'm involved in a new project which has the aim of helping campaigners across the world who are trying to combat human trafficking. Full details are below if you click on the links, and...

Jun 20 2012 10:48PM
Friends, Family of Li Wangyang Under Soft Detention, Remain Out of Contact; Guangdong Labor NGOs Under Threat

China Human Rights Briefing June 12-19, 2012 To download this week’s CHRB as a .pdf file, please click here Top News Authorities Maintain Suppression Over Deceased Activist Li Wangyang’s Friends, Family: Many friends and relatives of...

Jun 20 2012 3:09PM
Students #UpInArms - a day of campaigning for an Arms Treaty

We're in Westminster with a small army of school and university students to urge the UK government to champion an Arms Trade Treaty that disarms dictators, warlords and child soldiers at the UN negotiations next month. Follow their...