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May 18 2012 10:05AM
Street children at the United Nations

Our AIUK Children's Human Rights Network colleague at the Consortium for Street Children, Advocacy Officer Louise Meincke, has had a very busy year, since the creation of International Day for Street Children on April 12th, 2011. This...

May 17 2012 10:19AM
News Alert: Shandong Police Torture Chen Guangfu, Brother of Chen Guangcheng; Relatives Live in Fear

China Human Rights Briefing: Special Edition May 16, 2012 Shandong Police Torture Chen Guangfu, Brother of Chen Guangcheng; Relatives Live in Fear CHRD has learned that Chen Guangfu (陈光福), the elder brother of activist Chen Guangcheng...

May 16 2012 9:08AM
China Human Rights Briefing May 9-14, 2012

Top News • Harassment Rampant Against Individuals With Ties to Chen Guangcheng: The nephew of Chen Guangcheng has confirmed to be formally arrested, and lawyers, activists, and others are facing unabated harassment and rights abuses...

May 12 2012 12:44PM
Arrested for sporting a union logo: Swaziland

A schoolteacher in Swaziland waiting for a bus was arrested last week just for carrying a bag with the logo of the newly united union confederation TUCOSWA, the Trades Union Congress of Swaziland. Wandile Ndlela was approached by...

May 11 2012 9:08AM
The other side of India's IT capital.

Aside from writing, I commission and edit stories for the International Network of Street Papers ( INSP ). Founded in 1994, INSP is an inspiring charity that supports and develops over 100 street press projects in 40 countries, in 24...