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Dec 9 2011 7:38AM
Human Rights Day 2011: A Dismal Year for Human Rights Defenders in China

(Chinese Human Rights Defenders, December 9, 2011) As the world observes Human Rights Day on December 10, CHRD notes that 2011 was one of the worst years in recent memory for human rights and human rights defenders in China. Activists...

Dec 8 2011 11:01AM
China human rights briefing: November 30-December 6, 2011

Ding Mao, Detained During Jasmine Revolution Crackdown, Released Into Residential Surveillance: Sichuan activist Ding Mao (丁矛) was released on December 1 after more than nine months in detention, but was ordered to serve six months of...

Dec 8 2011 11:01AM
China human rights briefing: November 30-December 6

Ding Mao, Detained During Jasmine Revolution Crackdown, Released Into Residential Surveillance: Sichuan activist Ding Mao (丁矛) was released on December 1 after more than nine months in detention, but was ordered to serve six months of...

Dec 8 2011 7:26AM
Iranian government u-turns on trade unionists' freedom

Iranian trade unionist Ebrahim Madadi was re-arrested today. The Tehran bus workers' union leader had been freed only last Thursday, a move welcomed by the international trade union movement. It is always difficult to explain the...

Dec 7 2011 5:22PM
Pandas help raise China human rights debate

The arrival of Chinese pandas Tian Tian and Yang Guang at Edinburgh Zoo has generated a lot of media, including cutesy pictures galore and a multitude of puns of the ‘eats, shoots and leaves’ variety. At Amnesty Scotland we like pandas...