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Jun 17 2011 9:17AM
Mahan, the most amazing meeting with a political prisoner in Iran

A note by Jila Baniyaqob, Iranian journalist. He spoke very fast, seemed more bewildered than happy. His words made sense but he would sometimes lose his concentration. He talks and you listen and for the first time you feel you don't...

Jun 16 2011 9:51PM
China Human Rights Briefing  June 8-15, 2011

Highlights Updates on Detentions and Disappearances Related to the “Jasmine Revolution” Crackdown: The Xicheng District Procuratorate recently approved the arrest of Dong Jiqin ( 董继勤 ) , the husband of rights defense lawyer Ni Yulan (...

Jun 16 2011 6:12PM
Poetry: a jailing offence in Bahrain

“Free Ayat now, Amnesty tells Bahrain regime”, says a headline in the Independent today, and yes, that’s exactly what ought to happen. Ayat al-Qarmezi (sometimes transliterated as Gormezi) is the 20-year-old Bahraini student and poet...

Jun 15 2011 7:35PM
Index of shame

In the UK we often take for granted what we consider small freedoms, and while there is certainly a long way to go in terms of equality, women are relatively free to do and say as they please without fear. But this just isn’t the case...

Jun 15 2011 6:09PM
Open Letter to the EU Delegation to China on the EU-China Human Rights Dialogue

DearSirs The latest round of theEU-China Dialogue on Human Rights will occur in Beijing on 16 June. The EU must stress that the Chinese CommunistParty govern their citizens in accordance with internationally recognised humanrights...