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Feb 14 2011 11:06PM
Stop the global land grab

Stop the global land grab writes Gisele Henriques in Comment is Free. She refers to the World Social Forum, held very recently in Dakar, Senegal .

Feb 14 2011 1:36PM
Protests, protests everywhere!

The apparent success of the Tahrir Square protest seems to have triggered a wave of demonstrations around the world over the weekend. Algeria was hard on Egypts heels on Friday with its pro-democracy rally, while the people of Yemen...

Feb 13 2011 3:42PM
Big fat Gypsy Traveller myths

Seems like everyone and their extended family has had something to say about Channel 4's vulgar over-the-top creation Big Fat Gypsy Weddings . I have adopted the same avoidance strategy that has served me so well for "Wife Swap", "The...

Feb 12 2011 11:00AM
Stand in solidarity and defiance…the live blog!

Today we will be in Trafalgar Square in London to show support for the people of Egypt and people acros the Middle East and North Africa. We’ll be blogging live and you can follow the event at #feb12global 14:30 Here is one last video...

Feb 11 2011 4:48PM
Theres no place like homophobia

Where in the world is the worst place to be gay? This is the hefty question a Radio One DJ will tackle on BBC3 this coming Monday. Uganda has got to be up there in the running. Presenter Scott Mills had a personal taste of the violent...