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May 19 2010 7:36PM
UK government: a civil partnership?

Lots of discussion today of UK civil liberties, following Nick Clegg’s speech, Theresa May on the Today Programme and of course the decision by the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC) yesterday not to deport two Pakistani...

May 19 2010 10:57AM
detention of children, UK, asylum seekers

The Beeb is reporting that child asylum seekers will no longer be detained at Dungavel Detention Centre in Scotland but…. Thanks for your time.

May 19 2010 1:07AM
Going... Going... Gone.

“A commission is to be set up to review the Human RightsAct, as two terror suspects are allowed to stay in the UK ” reads the misleadingheadline on the BBC’s homepage. Two suspected al-Qaeda terrorists appealed againstextradition to...

May 18 2010 9:12PM
Protest against China's family planning policies - Minister in London

Madam Li Bin, China'sMinister of National Population and Family Planning Commission is visiting the UK 17-19 May2010. She will be in Londonon Wednesday 19 May and has a meeting in Conway Street from 3pm to 5pm. Theprotest is to...

May 18 2010 5:37PM
Mugabe and the White African    

On 18 May 2010 there was a showing of Mugabe and the White African at Amnesty's Human Rights Action Centre in London. On the same date the film was shown on television on More4. The documentary tells the story of Michael Campbell who...