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May 6 2010 10:02PM
AIUK AGM 2010: Unanimous 'yes' for childrens rights work at IS - and now?

Well, it’s been a while since the last post, but what a fitting day – the day of the General Election – to write about Amnesty UK’s AGM, held at Warwick University in early April. I started writing this children’s human rights blog...

May 6 2010 5:15PM
Snatched by aliens? No, by armed men in the North Caucasus

As the (appropriately-named) Sun reports today, a senior Russian leader’s claim that he was abducted by aliens is … well, unusual . Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the president of the Russian republic of Kalmykia, has been on TV in Russia saying...

May 6 2010 10:29AM
Voting for human rights

This General Election matters for human rights around the world. It's true that no-one’s going to force any of us to vote one way or another, or lock us up for speaking out on behalf of our particular political favourite. But human...

May 6 2010 8:32AM
Place your cross with care

Today you have the chance to place your cross, to vote in the UK's general election. Some may not bother to vote but I think that it is an important duty and a privilege as well. I recommend voting carefully, because not all parties...

May 6 2010 8:21AM
Goldstone defends himself

Richard Goldstone writes in the Guardian to defend his report into alleged atrocities by both sides in the Gaza conflict. He says that it would have been hypocritical of him to speak out about violations of international law and...