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Mar 3 2010 1:04AM
No time to let up on EU sanctions on Mugabe

South African President Jacob Zuma flew into London tonight (Tuesday) with media reports suggesting that he would press Gordon Brown to relax EU sanctions on the thugs in ZANU-PF who ran, and continue to run parts of, Zimbabwe. It is...

Mar 2 2010 1:27PM
Omar al-Bashir: members of the public are warned not to approach this man

The late-breaking news last night that Ejup Ganic , a former Bosnian vice-president, had been arrested at Heathrow was, for my money, heartening. Why? Because we’re supposed to be living in a world that, after Srebrenica, after Kigali...

Mar 2 2010 8:04AM
China Human Rights Briefing  26 February to 1 March 2010

Headlines Jilin Government Website Details Targeting of Political Publications during “Anti-Pornography” Campaign Hubei Teachers’ Organizer Released from RTL, Compensated after 3 Months of Detention Hunger Strike by Death Row Inmates...

Mar 1 2010 1:55PM
Women whipped for wearing knee-length skirts: discrimination and cruelty in Sudan

We have a new campaign briefing out today, urging the authorities in Sudan to abolish the practice of flogging, which is normally used against women. Women in Sudan face a daily risk of being arbitrarily arrested in public or private...

Mar 1 2010 1:54PM
Out of Control

The UK government’s Control Orders regime is being discussed by MPs today, in the annual review/rubber-stamping of this “lamentable system”, as Andy Worthington describes it in his excellent and detailed blog on the subject. Today’s...