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Jan 29 2010 4:09PM
women and girls shouldn't be overlooked in Haiti

As the glare of the media spotlight fades from Haiti, the reconstruction and relief effort is only just beginning – and there’s where we need to ensure that women and girls’ rights is not forgotten. In 2008 Amnesty produced a report...

Jan 29 2010 3:13PM
Human Rights in Haiti: Belfast seminar

Paige Jennings, who used to be an Amnesty researcher on Haiti and a former UN human rights observer there, recently blogged here about the situation post-earthquake. She'll be giving further reflections in person next week in a seminar...

Jan 29 2010 1:10PM
China Human Rights Briefing  28 January  2010

Headlines Nine Schools for Children of Migrant Workers Set to Be Demolished in Beijing’s Chaoyang District Hunan Village Representative Arrested for Complaining about Local Corruption Rightto Education NineSchools for Children of...

Jan 29 2010 9:50AM
Northern Ireland offered pale shadow of Bill of Rights

Published today in the Belfast Telegraph : -------------------------------------------------------- Colin Harvey is dead right in his assertion that – whatever the outcome of the discussions over the devolution of policing and justice...

Jan 28 2010 8:44PM
What sort of country is Costa Rica?

Whilst trade unionists across Central America in countries like Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala continue to pay the ultimate price for their struggles for basic rights and social justice in Costa Rica there are also serious issues...