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Jul 15 2018 5:32PM
London Marks 1st Anniversary of the Passing of Liu Xiaobo and Free All Prisoners of Conscience

London marks 1st anniversary of the passing of Liu Xiaobo, calling for immediate & unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience currently held by the CCP. # LiuXiaobo # FreePrisonersOfConscience 刘晓波逝世周年伦敦祭奠,呼吁立即无条件 # 释放所有良心犯...

Jul 12 2018 9:03PM
Memorial for Liu Xiaobo and Free All Prisoners of Conscience

Activists will gather in front of Chinese Embassy to mark the 1st anniversary of the passing of Liu Xiaobo, calling for immediate and unconditional release of all prisoners of conscience currently held in mainland China and Hong Kong...

Jul 11 2018 10:41AM
Theresa May’s cabinet reshuffle is another political merry-go-round – but what does it mean for human rights?

Whether President Trump likes Johnson or not, the UK now has a new Foreign Secretary, and it will be Jeremy Hunt who meets the President during his visit. As first weeks in a new job go, this is a pretty big one.

Jul 6 2018 5:47PM
Why should trade deals be wrapped in secrecy?

The less the public and Parliament know about trade deals that are being negotiated, the less they are in a position to challenge their likely impacts.

Jul 6 2018 5:47PM
Is the UK government turning a blind eye to torture?

There are hundreds of cases of the British government planning or paying for extraordinary rendition. It's time they stop turning a blind eye to their role in torture and carry out a full, judge-led inquiry.