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Mar 15 2015 1:05PM
Girls' Rights Under Threat in Spain

When you were a child what plans did you make for the rest of your life? To go to university, travel the world, become the prime minister? The world can be an exciting place when you are 16 or 17 with the rest of your life ahead of you...

Mar 11 2015 12:00AM
Land and Conflict in Colombia

From Ian McGarr, our Country Coordinator on Colombia. As the decade long armed conflict has raged between government forces, paramilitary organisation and guerrilla groups in Colombia, civilians have borne the brunt. During this time...

Mar 9 2015 6:14PM
'I felt the shadow of execution over my head': A letter from Iran's death row

"It is all finished," the guard said. On the other side of the thick brick wall of Iran's Raja'i Shahr prison, the bodies of six Sunni men from Iran’s Kurdish minority were hanging from nooses. Hamed Ahmadi, Jahangir Dehghani, Jamshid...

Mar 6 2015 12:00AM
Digital human rights in Pakistan

I recently visited Pakistan and interviewed an organisation based in Islamabad that focuses on information and communications technology to promote human rights. My report was published yesterday by The National. Please click on the...

Mar 3 2015 4:31PM
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old. Take action for prisoners of conscience in Eritrea

Guest blogger Alex Jackson is our country expert on Eritrea and Somalia. The late nineties and early noughties were momentous years. I was living in Eritrea, and war with Ethiopia had consumed the country. Our passion for peace and...