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Blog by Lisa Incledon, Children's Network Committee Member In the 30 th year of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, we are asking UK government to make sure that rights are real for all children. Convention on the Rights of the...
Statement on the IOPC’s Final Report 30 June 2019 On 26 June the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) published its findings and decision in response to the complaints that my wife and I filed following my unlawful arrests...
Students staged sit-in in front of the Great Hall of People and demanded to see members of the Standing Committee and show them the List of Seven Demands. But the authorities refused officially to reply to the demand. Some protesters...
At 1pm, April 17, 1989, six or seven hundred students and teachers in University of Political Science and Law headed out of the campus toward Tiananmen Square. It was the first demonstration of 1989. At 11pm, three thousand students in...
This is a guest post from Moira Dunworth, a member of the Edinburgh group of Freedom from Torture. Freedom from Torture is the only UK-based human rights organisation dedicated to the treatment and rehabilitation of torture survivors...