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May 11 2014 8:29PM
Today in 1989: Some students call for starting a hunger strike, post sign-up sheets on Beijing campuses

Some students call for starting a hunger strike, post sign-up sheets on Beijing campuses

May 10 2014 8:20PM
Today in 1989: students cycling protest, in support of journalists who demand freedom of press

5月10日逾万名北京学生举行自行车游行,声援昨天的逾千名记者联名请愿行动,记者们要求就新闻改革问题与中共中央主管官员对话。 # 图说八九六四

May 9 2014 5:45PM
A breakthrough for indigenous rights in Paraguay

Paraguay’s Senate have voted to support an Expropriation Bill that could prove a landmark in the struggle of the country’s indigenous communities to gain recognition of their rights to their ancestral lands. Amnesty International has...

May 9 2014 1:23PM
#BringBackOurGirls & defend right to education

On April 14, over 200 girls, most of them aged between 16 and 18, were abducted as they slept, from their school in Chibok, north-eastern Nigeria. More schoolgirls have been kidnapped since. All of these girls are missing, their...

May 8 2014 8:13PM
Today in 1989: students in campuses protest and boycott

晚7时30分,北大三角地贴出北高联声明:“要广泛进行校园民主建设,如自治会的选举、确认,保留校园民主墙,绝不让它轻易失去。要继续对民众进行宣传,如进行普法,普及民主自由思想的基本常识。斗争尚在继续,同学尚需努力。 22时30分,北师大300多学生在校内3.18纪念碑前集会,北师大学生自治会决定,明天继续罢课一天。集会上广播了北高联通知:宣布五四复课是政法大学学生周勇军的擅自决定,要追究其责任。在政府没有答复我们的对话要求前,为了巩固现有成果,同学们应继续罢课。...