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Dec 8 2011 7:26AM
Iranian government u-turns on trade unionists' freedom

Iranian trade unionist Ebrahim Madadi was re-arrested today. The Tehran bus workers' union leader had been freed only last Thursday, a move welcomed by the international trade union movement. It is always difficult to explain the...

Dec 7 2011 5:22PM
Pandas help raise China human rights debate

The arrival of Chinese pandas Tian Tian and Yang Guang at Edinburgh Zoo has generated a lot of media, including cutesy pictures galore and a multitude of puns of the ‘eats, shoots and leaves’ variety. At Amnesty Scotland we like pandas...

Dec 7 2011 2:18PM
Gaza Crisis (part I) In at the deep end.

I have never written a blog before, so I was planning to kick off with a bit of background about myself, and offer a flirtatious introduction to some of the themes that I’d like to cover during the year ahead. The intensifying carnage...

Dec 7 2011 2:17PM
Gaza Update a calamitous abuse of human rights and humanitarian norms

The situation in Gaza has reached a point of absolute calamity. Today, Day 20, we have news that the death toll has passed 1,000, including 315 children and 95 women. The evening news bulletins in the UK are also reporting that the...

Dec 7 2011 2:17PM
Gaza Crisis (part 2) Union activism on the frontline

While British trade unions have played their part, joined by the 168-million strong International Trade Union Confederation and some of the Global Unions, the years of polarisation generated by the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, means...