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Dec 24 2010 11:55AM
2010: the years top ten human rights stories (part 2)

Yesterday I tore myself away from the Lib Dems tapes story and updates on "weather chaos" and people's last-minute Christmas shopping long enough to post the first five of my top ten human rights stories of 2010. Here are the next five...

Dec 23 2010 8:28PM
Merry Christmas among worries for the imprisoned priest condemned to death in Iran.

A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Iranian Christians International Coalition Against Violence in Iran (ICAVI), with regards to all other religions, wishes a Merry Christmas for all Iranian Christians.Throughout the world at this...

Dec 23 2010 8:25PM
Merry Christmas to the Iranian Christians among worries for the imprisoned priest in Iran

A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to Iranian Christians International Coalition Against Violence in Iran (ICAVI), with regards to all other religions, wishes a Merry Christmas for all Iranian Christians.Throughout the world at this...

Dec 23 2010 7:06PM
China Human Rights Briefing December 14-21, 2010

Highlights Unidentified Group Attacks Lawyer Zhang Kai on Beijing Road: Beijing human rights lawyer Zhang Kai (张凯) was driving on Beijing's Third Ring Road the night of December 14 when he was run off the road by three cars filled with...

Dec 23 2010 12:54PM
2010: the years top ten human rights stories (part 1)

Blimey, what a year. And here’s my take on it. In this two-part post – one today, one tomorrow – I’m giving you my top ten human rights stories from 2010. In no particular order – only rough chronology – here then are the first five...