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Apr 18 2017 3:52PM
My family’s right to a home

Written by Liesbeth, a Dutch citizen living in the UK for almost 20 years, as well as an activist, gardener, blogger and full-time mum. We recently went to apply for our permanent residency document. With a kilo of paperwork handed in...

Apr 13 2017 6:07PM
Six must-reads on human rights in the wake of President Trump

There’s no shortage of reading material out there for anyone with an interest in how the 45th President of the United States is faring in his new role. In just a couple of months, he’s pushed through a series of repressive executive...

Apr 12 2017 4:25PM
Amnesty's Digital Product Roadmap

When we launched the new in November 2013 we knew it would never be truly finished. The old cycle of building a website leaving it for five years and building another one had been smashed. This site represents a...

Apr 11 2017 7:33PM
Theresa May's "Global Britain" - prosperity over peace?

By Lucy Wake, Amnesty Government and Political Relations Manager It’s recess in the hallways of power. A time for MPs to see more of their constituents, or indeed have a well-earned break. Our Prime Minister, however, has taken the...

Apr 7 2017 5:29PM
How to stir up a refugee crisis in five steps, Trump style

Written by Madeleine Penman, Mexico Researcher at Amnesty International. Originally published in IPS News . The sight of one of the most infamous borders on earth – roughly 1,000 kilometers of porous metal fence dividing lives, hopes...