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Dec 6 2009 10:49AM
Millennium Development Goals and Climate Change

The UK Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, was discussing action on climate change recently at a conference of young people, in the run-up to the United Nations Climate Change Conference , starting in Copenhagen within the next 24 hours. One...

Dec 4 2009 5:21PM

What’s the worst thing that can happen to a poor but self-sufficient community of indigenous people? The discovery, by others, that the land you’re living on is rich in mineral deposits – and therefore you are in the way. Amnesty has...

Dec 4 2009 1:31PM
Haiti's slave children - BBC audio slideshow

BBC Radio 4's Today Programme have published an audio slideshow about child slavery in Haiti, which you can see here . The report explains, with a series of photographs, how children in poverty come to be taken into slavery within the...

Dec 3 2009 3:41PM
Shameless - 25 years and still no justice for the people of Bhopal

It could never, never, never happen here in Britain. No company would ever be allowed to operate in as negligent a way as Union Carbide did in Bhopal , India. And if there were ever a chemical disaster of a comparable scale here –...

Dec 3 2009 9:09AM
Stronger action on AIDS, says the South African leader

South Africa's president, Jacob Zuma, announced on World Aids Day, 1 Dec. 2009, that there would be a new policy to address the AIDS crisis in his country . He wants to move on from the political inertia on the issue and show a...