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Nov 10 2009 12:17PM
'Secret inquests' voted  through Commons: update

The House of Commons yesterday debated the Coroners and Justice Bill. After a ‘highly charged’ debate, the government scraped through new powers, with a majority of just eight votes, which enable the Justice Minister to suspend any...

Nov 10 2009 10:34AM
The Stephen Livingstone lecture: dealing with the past  

Continuing the review ( link to the complete series ) of Martin O'Brien's speech on 'Human rights and the Agreement: how far have we come? ', the 2009 Stephen Livingstone memorial lecture. ---------------------------------------------...

Nov 9 2009 5:24PM
The Stephen Livingstone lecture: human rights vs good relations?

Continuing the review ( link to the complete series ) of Martin O'Brien's speech on 'Human rights and the Agreement: how far have we come? ', the 2009 Stephen Livingstone memorial lecture. ---------------------------------------------...

Nov 9 2009 5:01PM
The Stephen Livingstone lecture: on Section 75

Continuing the review ( link to the complete series ) of Martin O'Brien's speech on 'Human rights and the Agreement: how far have we come? ', the 2009 Stephen Livingstone memorial lecture. ---------------------------------------------...

Nov 9 2009 1:51PM
The Stephen Livingstone lecture: on inequality and poverty

Continuing the review ( link to the complete series ) of Martin O'Brien's speech on 'Human rights and the Agreement: how far have we come? ', the 2009 Stephen Livingstone memorial lecture. ---------------------------------------------...