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Nov 4 2009 5:26PM
Time for all women to be protected from violence

It’s days like today which remind me why I enjoy working at Amnesty. I was fortunate to be among nearly 300 people from all over the country who’d come to London to take part in Amnesty’s mass lobby of Parliament to call on the...

Nov 4 2009 11:31AM
Channel 4 Unreported World goes to the southern Sudan

Channel 4's Unreported World film South Sudan – how to fuel a famine was shown on Friday 6 November 2009 at 7:35 in the evening. You can read the reporter's log by Ramita Navia . It is Darfur in the west of Sudan that has been more in...

Nov 4 2009 11:24AM
Michael Ashcroft's wealth and the power that comes with it

In the Observer Nick Cohen writes about Ashcroft and drews a parallel with fictional characters in a short story by Rudyard Kipling, The Man Who Would Be King , who say that small, backward countries are the easiest to dominate. The...

Nov 3 2009 10:51PM
Jailed in Iran for being trade unionists

Six Iranian trade unionists representing sugar workers at the Haft Tapeh company have been jailed for their trade union activities. Worldwide food workers' union the IUF say “the regime is clearly determined to crush the union by...

Nov 3 2009 12:42PM
Spain: adding insult to injury

Picture the scene – you’re walking down the street (a sunny one, as it happens, in Madrid) and are stopped by the police, who ask to see your identity papers. When they refuse to identify themselves with their ID numbers, you refuse to...