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Oct 26 2009 9:23PM
Radovan Karadzic is on trial

Radovan Karadzic is on trial . He claims that he needs more time to prepare his defence. Martin Bell comments on the case and points out that the UN shares some of the guilt for failing to prevent atrocities.

Oct 26 2009 9:10PM
Risks for pregnant women in Africa

See the recent blog entry by Efemena on the risks faced by pregnant women in Africa . That post made me think of two books that I read years ago when I was working in community health but not in Africa. Where There Is No Doctor and...

Oct 26 2009 8:54PM
British supplies used in putting down protests

I wrote before about the brutal suppression of protests in Conakry, capital of Guinea and a petition from Avaaz. Now see "More arms to abusers" on today's blog entry from the Amnesty media team.

Oct 26 2009 8:42PM
Channel 4 on science's last taboo

Is there any question that should be taboo and not explored by scientists? A programme on Channel 4 this evening at 9 pm looked at what is described as science's last taboo: race and intelligence . The film hears from scientists on...

Oct 26 2009 5:12PM
More arms to abusers

Have a look at this clip from French TV channel TF1 (about 20 minutes in – you can fast forward). You’ll see Armoured Personnel Carriers transporting soldiers to brutally put down a peaceful demo in Conakry, Guinea, last month. When...