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Oct 8 2009 4:46PM
Mary Robinson for President or foreign affairs supremo of Europe?

There's something about Mary I'm a long self-confessed fan of Mary Robinson . I even had the chance to host her in Belfast last year when she gave the Amnesty International Annual Lecture. The former Irish President and UN High...

Oct 8 2009 4:44PM
Best human rights film ever made? Gandhi. Or maybe not

At the weekend my partner was watching Gandhi , one of our DVD rentals from (the excellent) Sofa Cinema. “I’m not that interested”, I said. “Seen it”. “Not that good.” “Ben Kingsley as Gandhi? Hmm, not sure.” I was stubborn, adamant. I...

Oct 8 2009 3:15PM
Bloody brutality in Guinea

The General Council of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) heard this afternoon from an incredibly brave trade unionist from Guinea, where last week the army brutally broke up a peaceful demonstration for democracy which...

Oct 8 2009 1:42PM
Sri Lanka - what will happen when the monsoon comes?

Today is National Poetry Day in Britain. At Amnesty we recently received the very moving poem below from a Sri Lankan living in Canada who is trying to imagine what life in the detention camps in Sri Lanka must be like for a child...

Oct 8 2009 11:15AM
Human rights on Poetry Day

It's National Poetry Day . As good an excuse as any for a visit to verse. As is my wont, I'll use the opportunity to highlight a favoured human rights poem and invite your own suggestions. Last year it was Seamus Heaney's From the...