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Oct 7 2009 6:15PM
Will the London Olympics mean a pot of gold for people traffickers?

Looking forward to the London Olympics? Well, it’s a fair bet that so are the trafficking gangs who force people into prostitution, domestic servitude or no-or-low-pay labouring jobs. In less than three years’ time the athletes and...

Oct 7 2009 3:59PM
Right to speak? Only when you're 'right..'

I've found myself rather disturbed andannoyed at the portrayal of young people in the NI press in recent months,particularly surrounding issues of protests and political action. The media hasstripped young people of their agency...

Oct 7 2009 12:22PM
Stop the crackdown in Guinea: sign here

See this petition from Avaaz against the crackdown in Guinea. The petition is to leaders of the African and European Unions. Avaaz is pressing for travel sanctions against the ruling elite of the west African country of Guinea; they...

Oct 7 2009 11:57AM

I noticed a debate on the BBC World Service website about Untouchables and the caste system in India. Is this system an abuse of human rights and should the international community press India for reforms? I have also been reading in...

Oct 6 2009 4:18PM
My son was taken from my lap in order to be executed

Today’s Guardian reports on what appears to have been the appalling death of a man who was allegedly tortured to death in detention by members of the Palestinian Authority’s Fatah-led intelligence services. According to the report...