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Sep 22 2009 4:08PM
Welcome to Northern Ireland Chief Constable Matt Baggott!!

Matt Baggott, the new Chief Constable of the Police Service of Northern Ireland finally gets to try out his new desk today and will probably take a moment to reflect on the size of the task that awaits him. The term ‘baptism of fire’...

Sep 22 2009 1:52PM
An inspiring story from Liberia, on More4

Charles Taylor, former president of Liberia in west Africa, is on trial in the Hague accused of war crimes. How was he overthrown? It was largely thanks to the women of Liberia, as shown in True Stories: Pray the Devil Back to Hell...

Sep 21 2009 6:06PM
The right to peace

The right to life is of course at the heart of human rights, so today, on International Day of Peace , the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) is highlighting the importance of real action for the abolition of nuclear...

Sep 20 2009 11:49PM
Reporting on the environment can be dangerous

Environment reporters face danger writes Roy Greenslade on his blog on the Guardian website, pointing us to a report from Reporters Without Borders .

Sep 20 2009 11:15PM
Winter peril in Peru and Mongolia

This evening's Channel 4 news had a report on 250 child deaths in Peru because of severe winter weather in the Andes. Experts are blaming climate change as an important factor. Many thousands of miles from Peru the weather in Mongolia...