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Jun 17 2009 5:51PM
Refugees, our neighbours

I wrote this opinion piece a couple of days ago and it was published today in the Belfast Telegraph under the headline, ' Refugees face more hardship than most of us could endure' . It's not in the online edition, so am reproducing...

Jun 17 2009 2:03PM
Day of action: justice for Iranian workers - 26 June

Everyone is watching what's going on in Iran, and trade unionists have a special concern. We'd already called a Global Solidarity Action Day for justice for Iranian workers before the Presidential election, and the day has special...

Jun 17 2009 11:35AM
Iran: the revolution will be Twitterised

(with thanks to @Taylor_Seb for the Gil Scott Heron pun!) I couldn’t tell you the number of times I’ve been told that Twitter has ‘come of age’, (certainly not in 140 characters) but I can’t resist saying it about the current situation...

Jun 16 2009 4:41PM
Out of Africa

A BBC series presented by Alice Roberts, The Incredible Human Journey , has been showing the way that humans spread out of Africa to populate the rest of the world. Yes, even the leaders of the British National Party have African...

Jun 16 2009 2:25PM
Serious questions raised about shocking Nottingham Taser incident

I doubt I wasn’t the only one shocked (pardon the pun!) by the footage revealed by Trent FM of a man in Nottingham being Tasered for a second time while already on the ground and surrounded by four police officers. According to the...