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Mar 22 2009 7:08AM
A Dirty Pun Tweaks Chinas Online Censors

NY Times article: A Dirty Pun Tweaks China’s Online Censors by Michael Wines

Mar 21 2009 12:14PM
Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabo and other CCP leaders cannot commit crimes with impunity

Hu Jintao, Wen Jiabo and other CCP leaders cannot commit war crimes and crimes against humanity with impunity. Please see their Brutality in Tibet Exposed (warning -graphic contents) Or

Mar 21 2009 11:53AM
The Dictator Hu Jintao Detains Writer Zhang Shijun of Critical Web Letter to him

Chinese dictator Hu Jintao Detains Writer Zhang Shijun of Critical Web Letter to him

Mar 20 2009 3:38PM
Ulster should say 'yes' to Guantánamo prisoners

Northern Irish politicians have never been shy about going cap in hand to Washington to ask for help with our political and economic problems. They were there again this week for the annual St Patrick's Day shindiggery . Now it's time...

Mar 20 2009 2:58PM
Suck it and see: the ice lolly of military impunity in Israel

To me it’s one of those annoying – almost childish – examples of political bluster beloved by political leaders the world over – we’re the best, that’s it. Best army, best legal system, best food, best climate. Best, superior...