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Mar 3 2009 12:45AM
The Perils of Politicising the Transfer of Policing and Justice Powers to Northern Ireland.

With the dust settled on Belfast's link up with the Modern Liberty Convention in London, it is time to take stock of all that has been achieved. As a paying customer I found the convention to be a resounding success thanks to the...

Mar 2 2009 5:10PM
It's not really about heavy luggage, Rev.

I was reminded this morning by Rev. Joel Edwards on the Today programme’s Thought for the Day that this week marks the run up to International Women's Day which is on Sunday 8 March. It was interesting listening to Rev. Edward’s...

Feb 28 2009 1:12PM
Belfast: Human Rights and budget decisions (Convention on Modern Liberty, Belfast)

The discussion 'Human Rights and budget decisions' was given in a tripartite format, between Dr Aoife Nolan, Ms Mira Dutschke and Mr Eoin Rooney, and concerned the development of methods to measure governmental resource-allocation in...

Feb 27 2009 10:12PM
Open Letter to European Parliament on the Case of Martin Jahnke

Subcommittee on Human Rights Committee on Foreign Affairs European Parliament We would like to draw your attention to the case of Martin Jahnke, a German doctoral student at the University of Cambridge, whose rights have been grossly...

Feb 27 2009 3:04PM
Marnie Pearce,'Dubai Brit' adultery case: rights of the children must be protected

You may have read some of the press reports about Marnie Pearce , a British woman living in Dubai who has been convicted – falsely, she claims – of adultery. She has just started serving a three-month jail sentence . Her conviction...