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Feb 27 2009 11:00AM
Each year, around 1 in 10 women in Britain experience rape or other violence

One in four local authorities leave female victims of violence without the specialised support they need. Scary, isn’t it? Find out how the flashmob went to spread this message for International Women’s Day Make a difference – email...

Feb 26 2009 3:16PM
Kenya police's 'death squads' exposed

There are particularly concerning reports emerging today of the Kenyan army being accused of torture and murder of civilians. The UN Special Rapporteur on Extra-Judicial Executions’s report also revealed that Kenyan police chief has...

Feb 25 2009 11:58PM
TUC and Amnesty sign new partnership

This morning (Wednesday 25 February) members of the TUC General Council watched as AI UK Chief Executive Kate Allen and TUC General Secretary Brendan Barber signed a Memorandum of Understanding to bring our two organisations closer...

Feb 25 2009 6:22PM
score one for international justice

I had started off the day intending to flag up the humanitarian appeal launched by Archbishops of Canterbury and York for Zimbabwe. But news coming through this afternoon about three Sierra Leone rebel commanders who were found guilty...

Feb 25 2009 9:34AM
All hail the Daily Mail!

No, I'm not turning into Northern Ireland's answer to the Pub Landlord (anyway, I think that job is already taken by David over at the unintentionally hilarious A Tangled Web ). I'm simply giving credit where it's due to to the editor...