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Feb 10 2009 1:20PM
Panorama on Gaza: war crimes before the watershed

I must admit I haven’t watched Panorama for ages. (Did I ever watch it? Yes, but I think the last time I actually saw one was that amazing programme where John Sweeney loses his rag after getting stonewalled by a Scientology spokesman...

Feb 9 2009 12:59PM
Madagascar: no escape from turmoil

Before the hugely popular films featuring Alex the Lion and Gloria the Hippo, for many Madagscar was known as a place where sugar comes from. Despite the growing interest in eco-tourism and the popularity of the Disney animations...

Feb 9 2009 11:00AM
Snowmen for human rights

Snow, snow, snow. I know it’s all anybody has talked about all week but I’d like to chip in with Amnesty UK’s own snowy adventure. As some of you may know, we’ve been getting quite into Twitter of late (along with everyone else and his...

Feb 9 2009 12:03AM
Slugger versus The Past

Slugger O'Toole is the daddy of the Northern Irish blogosphere. Founded and run by the inestimable Mick Fealty as a uniquely popular, cross-community blog for debate and discussion of NI politics and life, it is always worth a visit...

Feb 8 2009 5:31PM
Open Letter to the Cambridge Shoe-Thrower

Dear Cambridge shoe-thrower I am a Tiananmen Massacre survivor, who protested when Wen Jiabao visited London and Cambridge. I want to let you know that what you have done has greatly encouraged people in China to fight for freedom...