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Dec 1 2008 10:11PM
Sex trafficking: ending the cycle of violence in Northern Ireland

After a successful brothel raid by the PSNI in south Belfast at the end of last week, Amnesty generated a flurry of media interest in our campaign to secure protection for the rescued victims of human trafficking. We remain concerned...

Dec 1 2008 5:28PM
Can things get much worse for the people of Zimbabwe?

Clearly 2008 has not been a good year for the people of Zimbabwe. Intense hunger for millions, instability, violence and serious human rights abuses have ravaged much of the country this year. And now with an outbreak of cholera...

Nov 30 2008 7:06PM
Be what?  Be human?

The new ' Bs' of Belfast got me reflecting on what it is to 'be'. I'm afraid that this alliterative campaign first brought to my mind an anecdote I learnt as a child growing up on the edge of the damp dump (sorry, picturesque Victorian...

Nov 28 2008 4:21PM
Further developments in the public perception of young people debate

In an earlier blog I called for an end to the vilification of young people, highlighting a You Gov poll commissioned by Barnardo’s which quoted some pretty shocking findings in relation to young people. From the comments I realised...

Nov 28 2008 1:29PM
Aw human sowels is born free and equal in dignity and richts

Anniversaries. You know for ages that they’re coming up and then suddenly you’re dashing around at the last minute looking for a suitable demonstration of your affections. Apparently the 60th anniversary is the diamond one but while...