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Nov 21 2008 1:12PM
Its time we stop vilifying our young people and start helping them

In the week that readers of amnesty blogs were able to learn about how well informed and compassionate young people can be (care of the great selection of blogs from NI Youth ), a number of publications have provided further evidence...

Nov 21 2008 12:34PM
Another brick in the wall

In last week’s blog I told how myself and Bernard O’Hear (Amnesty’s Country Co-ordinator for China) weren’t allowed to present the Chinese Consulate with 2,500 campaign postcards collected in support of Hu Jia during the Edinburgh...

Nov 20 2008 1:11PM
The Congo: getting impatient

I caught the end of The Today Programme’s interview with Lord Malloch-Brown from Rwanda this morning, in which he talked about the ‘beginnings of a strategy’ forming on the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). It did make me wonder...

Nov 19 2008 4:59PM
Birkenhead made a buffer zone between warring factions

Occasionally in the Amnesty press office we get random calls asking ‘what’s the worst crisis right now that no one’s reporting?’ (and another favourite, ‘do you know where any war criminals are hiding? can I have their addresses?’)...

Nov 18 2008 9:31PM
The shocking future of UK policing?

Where was your Chief Constable last week? If they were among the 15,000 top cops from around the world attending the International Association of the Chiefs of Police conference in San Diego, maybe it’s time to start worrying...