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Nov 16 2008 2:02PM
Miriam Makeba

Miriam Makeba , South African singer and campaigner, has died. I see that there is a film called Sarafina that includes her music and shows the struggle against apartheid in the days before the release of Nelson Mandela. It is a film...

Nov 14 2008 1:11PM
Banging my head against the brick wall of China

We’ve been waiting for ages for the Chinese Consulate to respond to our invitation to discuss our Edinburgh Festival campaign for imprisoned human rights campaign Hu Jia . During this year’s Festival 2,500 people filled in action cards...

Nov 14 2008 12:27PM
Supporting journalists at risk

I was at the British Film Institute on London’s South Bank yesterday evening. Not to see a movie but for the Rory Peck Awards , which recognise the work of freelance cameramen and camerawomen in TV newsgathering and current affairs...

Nov 13 2008 4:51PM
A woman is like wool; the more you beat her, the softer she'll be

The title is a popular saying in Armenia, subject of a new Amnesty report on violence against women, released today. Our researcher and my international press office colleague Lydia were in the capital Yeravan this morning to launch...

Nov 12 2008 8:14PM
Iraqi sanctions:  567,000 of the dead children under the age of five

A trawl through some of the online responses to the coverage of Bilal Abdulla's words on Iraq at his ongoing trial reveals a predictable variety of replies from some who find his views totally unacceptable, to those who are willing to...