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Oct 21 2008 1:10PM
deadly consequences of a flawed justice system

Although I’ve worked at Amnesty for nearly three years, I never stop being shocked at some of the reports we receive about the dreadfully cruel and inhumane way people are treated around the world. And today’s report about life for men...

Oct 20 2008 7:09PM
Human rights and narrowing the scope for telling lies about the past

Some detailed leaks in the News Letter this morning about the supposed likely recommendations of the Eames-Bradley Consultative Group on the Past in Northern Ireland. As I have blogged before , their report isn't now due for...

Oct 20 2008 3:21PM
La Camorra, un gruppo Talibanese or why the Naples mafia are Italys very own Taliban

You can almost pass over the seemingly endless reports of yet more Taliban killings in Afghanistan or Pakistan. That, sadly, is how it seems to go with a bleak “fixed” situation. “Oh, more Taliban killings. Right”. You almost need to...

Oct 20 2008 1:00AM
Hunger strike film opens in Belfast

Hunger , the film about the 1981 Irish republican hunger strike in Northern Ireland's Maze prison, has just had its official European premiere in Belfast, to a predictably controversial reception . Playwright Gary Mitchell ( about whom...

Oct 18 2008 9:54PM
Mary Robinson in Belfast - Irish News TV report

Mary Robinson delivers the tenth Amnesty International Annual Lecture in Belfast at the start of the Belfast Festival at Queen's. Short filmed report courtesy of Irish News TV (click to view).