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Apr 17 2008 7:26PM
Trust me, I'm an executioner

Phew, thats ok then! Death penalty states in American can now go back to executing people with lethal injections. The Supreme Court has ruled that there is nothing unconstitutional about these killings and that the state of Kentucky...

Apr 17 2008 12:11PM
We drive, they starve

"We drive, they starve" say the opening words of this Telegraph article about the impact of using more bio-fuels . In various countries the poor are finding it more difficult to afford their staple foods and there have been protests...

Apr 16 2008 11:55PM
China needs drastic action to avoid losing face

China needs to take drastic steps to improve its image in the eyes of the world. That does not mean improving its public relations, it means sorting out the root of the problems. It would be disastrous if athletes in the Olympics could...

Apr 16 2008 3:45PM
How many women are there in Gordon Browns Cabinet?

That’s what we were asking each other in our team meeting this morning as we discussed the news which seems to centre rather a lot around women today. Most of us struggled to get past two. (If you can reach the right answer within 10...

Apr 16 2008 12:04PM
IRAQ REFUGEE CRISIS - A diary from Damascus.

We went back to Saida Zeinab yesterday to conduct more interviews with refugees and were invited into the home of a family who left Baghdad for Damascus in November, 2006. The family were too afraid to provide their real names, as they...