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Apr 6 2008 1:44PM
Blogging the AGM 2008 #13 (Sunday round-up)

7:00am Up with the larks. Just enough time for a quick four-mile run around this parkland campus, before a healthy breakfast of bananas and organic stuff. Or something like that. 9:25am Milobal Cristobal of AI Hong Kong, Ville Forsman...

Apr 6 2008 11:41AM
Blogging the AGM 2008 #12 (Amnesty Come Dancing)

9:30pm There are some thirsty souls gathered around the bar – six deep at some points. Parching work, this human rights. Aikta has promised / threatened us with an evening of elegant ballroom dancing. Sadly, looking around me at a...

Apr 6 2008 11:10AM
Sending a message to China from Nottingham

I'm in Nottingham at the Amnesty AGM – yesterday 300 of us laid red roses to spell 'Human Rights for China' in solidarity with the Tiananmen Mothers, who each year are prevented from doing likewise to commemorate the killing of their...

Apr 5 2008 11:00PM
London Protest

We demand: ‧ Release Hu Jia and all other prisoners of conscience! ‧ Stop the suppression of Tibetans and Chinese! ‧ Independent media reports! ‧ Exiles want to return home!

Apr 5 2008 10:04PM
Blogging the AGM 2008 #11 (The changing face of activism)

7:45pm The changing face of activism: Vuyiseka Dubula ( Treatment Action Campaign ) and Ben Brandzel ( / ). Chaired by Bruce Wylie (AIUK Head of Activism) Two very different perspectives on activism today, one from...