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Feb 25 2008 1:35PM
Russian Judo, YouTube and cats at risk in Beijing

Hes a judo black belt and likes to be photographed doing manly things like shooting and fishing, but has outgoing Russian president Vladimir Putin been a force for good? In a big BBC World Service opinion poll out today opinions are...

Feb 22 2008 1:57PM
A slap in the face for free speech in Egypt - and some backtracking on rendition in Westminster

One year ago, 23-year-old Egyptian blogger Karim Amer was sentenced to four years' imprisonment for the "crime" of blog entries (at Karam93.blogspot ) that was said to be critical of Islam and Egypts President Mubarak. Yet another slap...

Feb 21 2008 1:46PM
From Pakistan to Israel via Iran

A bit of a round-the-world round-up for you today. A trip from Pakistan to Israel via Iran. Firstly, Pakistan and the fall-out from Mondays elections continues unabated. The latest move seems to be a determination from US and UK...

Feb 20 2008 5:37PM
China: is it taking the Mickey?

Whatever you think of Steven Spielberg - and I think some of his films are great! - you certainly cant keep China, the Olympics and human rights out of the news now. The latest case to come under the spotlight is Yang Chunlin, a former...

Feb 19 2008 1:27PM
All change in Cuba and Pakistan

Its all go in the Amnesty press office today as two bits of breaking news filter through. Theres the news that Fidel Castro is to step down as president of Cuba, and then theres wholesale change in Pakistan as the election results...