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Sep 11 2007 1:33PM

There’s a sombre tone around the office today as so many of us are saddened by the loss of Dame Anita Roddick who died yesterday evening . I’m sure Anita would have been one of the many people who would be dismayed to hear how many...

Sep 10 2007 4:26PM
The oldest profession in the world?

News today that the Government is looking at changing the law on prostitution. This has been prompted in part because of the enormous number of women and girls now trafficked and forced into prostitution in the UK, and the difficulties...

Sep 8 2007 6:16PM
Beijing Olympics and human rights abuses

During Beijing Olympics bid, China promised to improve human rights. But they broke their promises, and have carried on committing more human rights abuses. The following cases are only the tip of the iceberg of human rights abuses. Yu...

Sep 7 2007 1:55PM
What am I?

There's very lively comment around on the idea of a national DNA database for Britain . Its one of those divisive issues that, on closer inspection, is much less clear-cut than it looks. On the one side libertarians and civil liberties...

Sep 6 2007 11:33AM
Basra, Bloggers and Bourne

Now that British troops have pulled out of Basra and the post-withdrawal analysis still rumbles on in the media Spiked has a really interesting piece dismissing the whole thing as a PR stunt - put yourself in the shoes of one of the...