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May 27 2015 1:56PM
Paraguay: No child should be forced to give birth

Last month a young girl was taken to hospital by her mother complaining of a stomach ache. Doctors had previously suggested the cause was parasites or a tumour but on 21 April the 10 year old was detected as 21 weeks pregnant. The girl...

May 22 2015 5:21PM
Syria: One year since Russia & China blocked the ICC

One year ago today Russia and China vetoed a UN Security Council resolution which would have referred the horrendous situation in Syria to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. That callous move compounded the misery for...

May 21 2015 5:22PM
A week to spare the life of Moses Akatugba

UPDATE, 28 MAY 2015: Moses pardoned Emmanuel Uduaghan, the Governor of Delta State, has granted a total pardon to Moses Akatugba, who was sentenced to death by hanging for stealing mobile phones. Thank you to the thousands of you who...

May 20 2015 7:17PM
Equal, but not the same: 13-year-old students direct movies to explore gender inequality in Mexico

Amnesty Mexico shows the difference it makes if you put primary school students in the director’s chair, rather than sit them passive in the audience. They set up a Short Film Festival on Gender Equality to encourage school students to...

May 20 2015 6:51PM
Bodo oil spill: 'I was so happy that Shell agreed to pay'

The oil company Shell was recently forced to pay £55 million in compensation to people in Bodo, Nigeria, after their lives were devastated by two massive oil spills in 2008. One of them is Pastor Christian Lekoya Kpandei, 53 - a 'born...