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Jan 8 2015 10:03AM
Cuba comes in from the cold...

Who saw that coming? Last month, Presidents Barack Obama and Raúl Castro appeared on TV, in carefully orchestrated, simultaneous broadcasts, to announce a prisoner swap. This was the start of a new era of rapprochement after more than...

Jan 7 2015 11:20AM
Oil giant Shell humbled by Bodo fishermen in UK court settlement

After decades of blaming anyone else for the ecological disaster in the Niger Delta, Shell has been forced to point the finger at itself. Why else would the company make an out-of-court settlement of £55m and admit to telling lies...

Jan 5 2015 4:11PM
The Power of Urgent Actions in 2014

It is not all doom and gloom. Because of you people have been freed, lives have been saved and justice has been done. Urgent Actions are at the heart of what we do and it is great when we can see what a difference they can make...

Dec 24 2014 10:46AM
2014: A botched year for the death penalty

What’s the biggest reason you have for not supporting the death penalty? The straight morality of using killing to show killing is wrong? The issues around innocence and the finality of the death penalty? Cost? Its misuse? The torture...

Dec 22 2014 5:34PM
Chelsea Manning: ‘Why speaking out is worth the risk’

Chelsea Manning is serving a 35-year prison sentence for leaking classified US government documents to the website WikiLeaks. Why did you decide to leak documents about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? These documents were important...