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May 28 2014 3:47PM
I know why the caged bird sings - Maya Angelou (1928-2014)

With the death of Maya Angelou , the world has lost a laureate of liberty. In tribute to Maya, here's her ode to freedom, 'Caged Bird'. A free bird leaps on the back of the wind and floats downstream till the current ends and dips his...

May 27 2014 11:38PM
Reclaiming Tiananmen (广场属于人民)

"Reclaiming Tiananmen" is a series of events to mark the 25th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protests and to remember the victims of the massacre which took place on 4 June 1989. Hosted and organised by Amnesty International...

May 27 2014 11:31PM
1989 Participant's Profile: Lu Peng (吕鹏)

Lu Peng (吕鹏), third-grade pupil in Beijing Shunchenggen Primary School. At around midnight of June 3, 1989, Lu was shot in the chest by the martial law troops near the Fuxingmen overpass. He died instantly. His body was paraded on the...

May 27 2014 11:29PM
Today in 1989: empty campus

Beijing Students' Autonomous Federation called for "empty campus". Students went back to hometown which was created one of multi-centres of the Movement.empty campus" was one of modes of civil resistance. #八九六四 #八九六四二五 #89june4 #八九民主运动...

May 27 2014 12:38AM
1989 Protester's Profiles: Liu Jianguo (刘建国) and Lai Bi (赖笔)

Liu Jianhua (刘建国) , salesman in the marketing department of the Great Wall Raincoat Company. At around 12 midnight on June 3, 1989, Liu was hit in the chest by a bullet at the entrance to Xidan. He was taken to Erlong Hospital, but...