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Oct 3 2018 4:37PM
We have to fight to achieve our rights

Since March 2017, Amnesty International has spoken to more than 100 women and girls who have fled their homelands, and who are living in camps and flats on the Greek islands or on mainland Greece.

Oct 3 2018 4:19PM
The Gender Recognition Act Government Consultation

Blog by Jennie Joy - Amnesty UK LGBTI Network Committee Member What is the Gender Recognition Act? This legislation from 2004 allows (some) trans people to legally change their gender. While ground-breaking at the time of its...

Sep 25 2018 1:53PM
Why Sudanese teenager Noura Hussein’s case matters

“Well, we all married at her age what is the problem really?!”, “What do you mean her husband raped her??”, “He is her husband and she should submit to him, this is the whole point of marriage!”, “She killed someone, no matter the...

Sep 18 2018 5:30PM
Is the Refugee Family Reunion Bill being blocked by the Government?

In 2018, MPs voted overwhelmingly to support a Bill to change the restrictive Home Office rules which keep many refugee families apart. So, why has nothing changed?

Sep 17 2018 2:32PM
Northern Ireland’s increasing problem with racism

Northern Ireland has a racism problem. This guest blog by Michael Walker explores the extent of the problem and argues for legislative change.