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Feb 8 2016 11:27AM
Northern Ireland: Contact your MLA to urge a vote for abortion law reform

A number of amendments have been proposed to the law in Northern Ireland which, if passed, may allow women to access abortions in circumstances of a fatal foetal abnormality, or where the pregnancy was as a result of rape or incest...

Feb 4 2016 6:32PM
Between a rock and a hard place: refugee women from Syria seeking a safe place

By Liz McKean, Amnesty International UK's Programme Director for Women's Human Rights 'Sometimes we feel like we are not living. I feel like I am not living'. - Rouba*, a Palestinian refugee from Syria, now living in Lebanon Reading...

Feb 4 2016 11:45AM
The journalists facing prison in Egypt

Egyptian photojournalist Mahmoud Abu Zeid, known as 'Shawkan', is facing imprisonment for documenting Egyptian security forces crushing a mass sit-in in Cairo, for British photo agency Demotix. He will be tried on 26 March in Cairo...

Feb 3 2016 8:00AM
Making a Murderer and Matsumoto Kenji: The truth can be stranger than fiction

Does this set of circumstances sound familiar? A man from a poor background , with an IQ below 70; a score so low that he has difficulty comprehending what is happening to him. His implication in a serious crime , in which a dominant...

Feb 2 2016 5:03PM
The UK must recognise Eritreans as the refugees that they are

We have all heard about the terrible situation in Syria, Afghanistan and Iraq causing people to risk their lives and make the treacherous journey across the Mediterranean. However, what I have sadly come to realise is that not so many...